Coelho Pecas Ndahe

November 8, 2011 § 122 Komentar

Dari sungai konon kita bisa mendengarkan suara-suara. Lenguhan sapi, kokok ayam jantan, teriakan pedagang sate, klakson kendaraan, juga keriangan dan kepedihan. Dari sungai pula, seorang perempuan merasa yakin hidupnya akan baik-baik saja seandainya ia punya teman.

Saya mengetahuinya malam itu saat Jakarta disiram gerimis setengah hati dan sebuah surat elektronik masuk ke kotak surat. Saya terpana. Pengirimnya seorang sahabat yang sudah lama tak bersua.

Apakah gerangan yang membuatnya meluangkan waktu mengingat saya dengan menulis surat pada dinihari? Adakah yang genting?

Pertanyaan itu bukan datang dari ruang hampa. Berbelas purnama tinggal di episentrum kekuasaan membuat dia berada dalam ruang dan waktu yang begitu jauh dari jangkauan saya.

Selama ini kami hanya sesekali bersua di beberapa tikungan kesempatan. Itu pun cuma sebentar. Selebihnya kami hidup di jalan masing-masing. Yang sunyi …

Yang membuat saya kian puspas adalah itu surat pertama yang pernah dia kirimkan untuk saya. Tak heran bila saya seperti pungguk yang kejatuhan rembulan. Dengan tak sabar, saya pun membacanya …

Ubud, 2011

Me and friends decided to go rafting today. The river is called Ayung river. Located in a village called Ubud, and is one of the prettiest sights one can find when rafting.

It was a beautiful journey. We all enjoyed ourselves and each other’s company. We row forward together. Laughed together. And sometimes got hit together when the boat bumped into the rocks.

At times, the instructor told us to stop rowing. Just stop and completely sit still. At certain turns, we were asked to row backwards. And when the water is still, we were allowed to have a bit of fun playing and swimming in the water.

But before all that wonderful journey across the Ayung river, we had to work our way (and that was a hell lot of work involving 450 stair steps) down to the river, and ofcourse up to the village after the trip concluded.

After the journey that afternoon, in less than 5 minutes, I decided to stay in Ubud. On the contrary to my planned stay in a cozy hotel facing Kuta beach. It was perhaps the ambiance of the Village that made me want to stay. The peaceful yet lively aura of Ubud. Or perhaps I was just simply endulging my ever changing mind.

The beauty of an afternoon walk along Ubud Raya street is one that is hard to explain. One just has to experience it oneself. Let’s just simply say it is beautiful, at sights and at heart.

I stopped by a Periplus book store. This time I was just following my feet. I reckon it is good to let them lead my brain once in a while. A purple-ish book cover caught my attention. ‘Like the Flowing River’, it says on the cover. A book by Paulo Coelho. Again with not much thinking, I picked the book. It was only because of, firstly, it’s nice purple cover, and secondly, it was one of Coelho less heard/talk about books. I didn’t feel like buying a book that almost all friends have read.

‘Like the Flowing River’. I just finished reading few opening pages. The few pages that took me back to the beautiful river of Ayung, and to our rafting instructor, KingKong (Yes, that’s his name). The few pages that reminded me about..Me..(Well, you know, there are time frames in life when we stop thinking about who we are).

Like the Flowing River. I want my own stretches of river of life to be (at least) as beautiful as the Ayung River. Like the journey this afternoon, I realize it will ask extensive works of me. There would be moments when I have to row against the current. There were rocks big enough along the way, ready to make me fall. But there were stretches that are so peaceful that I can just lay on my back on the water facing the sky, and surrender to the river.

I will bump in to things. I may fall. But will I cry? Will I give up? Well, I didn’t this afternoon apart from aching screams that wasn’t too often anyways.

I didnt cry, because I had the greatest companies who could make me laugh whenever I tripped over the boat.

I did not stop because I had them, to support each other.


Coelho, KingKong and Ayung river had reassured me that no matter good or strong my boat is, I will need companies to help make my life journey, a meaningful one.

A beautiful one…

Thank you so much,
For being one

Hati saya mendadak hangat. Perasaan saya campur aduk setelah tuntas membaca surat itu. Saya tak pernah menyangka begitu berarti baginya.

Buru-buru saya mengirimkan pesan singkat kepadanya tanpa peduli malam sudah tergelincir lewat dinihari.

“Mengapa kau kirimkan surat itu kepadaku?”

Hampir dua menit berlalu tanpa balasan.

Pada menit ketiga, sebuah pesan masuk. Dari dia.

“Entahlah. Tiba-tiba aku ingin memberi hadiah buat teman-temanku. Aku hanya merasa apa yah…ya gitulah, hahaha…. I think those who can appreciate it are those who knows that I write it for them. Begitu bukan?”

Saya mengiyakan. Saya merasa tersanjung mendapat narasi singkat itu. Entah kenapa saya juga jadi terkenang pada jalan hidupnya: Seorang perempuan di episentrum kekuasaan. Kesepian. Dan ketakutan bakal tak punya siapa-siapa lagi. Bahkan seorang teman.

Dan kesepian yang menggigit itu tecermin ketika ia menulis balasan, “Aku merasa hidupku makin berjarak. Akan ada momen-momen ketika aku berbeda dengan teman-temanku. Dan jujur, aku takut. So promise me ….”

“What?” saya bertanya.

“We can debate all we like… but let’s not stop communicating. Jikalau ke depan ada batu di tengah sungai, tetaplah bikin aku yakin aku masih punya teman.

Tiba-tiba saya merasa seperti mendapat jab keras di ulu hati. Hidup ternyata begitu keras menghajarnya. Dia, perempuan yang selama ini saya kira mampu berdiri tegak sendirian, akhirnya gamang juga di depan jalan yang bercabang. Dan sunyi.

Lama saya tak membalas pesan pendek itu sampai akhirnya saya mengirimkan kalimat singkat, “Aku janji. Demi kita.”

>> Selamat hari Selasa, Ki Sanak. Pernahkah sampaean merasa sendirian justru ketika sudah di atas?

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